COVID Procedures:
- It will be assumed that a student that attends class is free of Covid symptoms. Do NOT send your child to class if they are unwell or knowingly been in contact with someone else displaying symptoms, whether tested or not.
- Go to the toilet at home. Please avoid using the toilets at LSA unless absolutely necessary.
- All classes must be paid for whether you attend or not. If we cancel a class you do not pay. If you cancel a class you pay. If prepaid then credit will be given if we cancel.
- Use the designated entrances and exits. These will be clearly signposted. Avoid gathering in clusters outside.
- Enter only when told. We need to clean between class times.
- Students to sign in with Lauren.
- NO PARENTS of students to enter the class. If you need to speak to us please ring 0862452994.
- ALL STUDENTS to sanitise hands upon entering the room, and before and after using the toilet. (See note above re toilets)
- All students to keep a minimum 1 metre distance at all times.